Friday 23 October 2015

10 Tips For New Online Casino Players

While casino gambling can be a lot of fun, it can also be a lot to take in for a new player.

Getting started with an online casino is a great way to get introduced to the world of casino gaming; play free play money games while you learn the game in the privacy of your own home without interference or criticism from more experienced players.

Here are ten tips to get you started with online casino gambling.
No. 1: Take Your Time

The prospect of casino gambling is exciting, but there's no hurry. There are many online casino sites out there, each with different graphic interfaces and special offers.

Go online and look at two or three before choosing one. Remember that even once you've made your selection, you can always choose another one if you want some variety or don't like your first choice.

We give you some tips of our best online casinos in the toplists but you have to make the desicion where to play yourself, so take your time before you decide.
No. 2: Use Bonuses

Casino bonuses are incentive money that a site offers you for playing there. Bonuses for signing up with a new site are usually quite large.

Don't sign up with a new online casino without getting a chunk of cash.

No. 3: Consider Play Money Games

If you're worried about putting money at risk, you can start with free play money games. These games are identical to the real money version, but with no actual funds to put at risk.

This can help you enjoy the game stress-free if you are worried about money.

No. 4: Consider No Download

If you're not sure if you want casino software on your computer, consider a no download casino.

These casinos allow you to enjoy casino games directly from your browser. All you have to do is download a Flash player to enable your computer to play the games.
No. 5: Control Your Bankroll

Before you start playing online games for real money, establish how much money you can afford to risk each month without it adversely affecting your life style.

Divide this amount among all the sessions you want to play for the month and stick to this amount.
No. 6: Play With Friends

Although most people play online casino games by themselves, it can be fun to invite a couple of friends over to get in on the action.

You can always go back to solitary play after your friends have gone home.

No. 7: Know Your Games

Whatever game you are going to play, it is a good idea to know the basic strategies behind the game before you start.

There is usually a tutorial on site and you can find plenty of resources for learning games online.

No. 8: Be in the Right State to Play

If you're feeling angry, tired or sad, it may not be the best time to be gambling. Gambling at the wrong time is much more of a danger with online casinos because you can play whenever you want.

Be sure you are in the right frame of mind before you log in.

No. 9: Know When to Quit

Even if you are in the right frame of mind, it can be hard to quit. Set a time limit or a loss limit so you know when it's time to get up from the computer.

No. 10: Enjoy Yourself!

Online casino gaming is entertainment. If it is becoming a source of stress or you are relying on it for income, you need to get away from it for a while.

If it's pure fun, as it should be, keep on playing!

How to Beat the House at Roulette

There have been plenty of "can't lose" systems put forward for winning at roulette over the years but one of the few men to actually pull off the feat has broken his decades-long silence to spill the beans behind his system.

Physicist J. Doyne Farmer made waves more than 30 wears ago when as a graduate student he devised a portable, wearable computer that would tilt the roulette odds firmly in the player's favor -- although technological limitations at the time limited the wins he was able to book at a Nevada casino.

Farmer devoted several years in the late 1970s developing a physics-based approach to beating roulette, which measured and analyzed several factors as the roulette ball rolled around the edge of the rim and fell before bouncing around and finally settling on a number.

Farmer discovered that the first part of that equation -- how the ball rolled around the rim of the wheel and fell -- could be predicted with some accuracy, giving a significant edge in predicting what general range of numbers the ball might settle into after chaotically bouncing around during the second part of the equation, which is otherwise almost impossible to predict on its own.

Farmer's decision to speak out after all the years was spurred on by a paper published about very similar research from Michael Small from the University of Western Australia in Perth and Michael Tse from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which was recently submitted to the journal Chaos.

Small and Tse used a very similar approach to Farmer's and calculated that a player armed with the system and a small computer or smartphone could gain as much as a 18% edge over the house -- significant enough to lead to very large profits if successfully implemented.

Before gamblers rejoice too much, casinos aren't exactly helpless to the approach, as the amount of time the roulette ball is allowed to spin before falling can be changed and using even a small and hidden computer for the necessary calculations isn't exactly the subtlest of approaches.

Strangest Gambling Superstitions

Casino gambling attracts its share of superstitious souls but some take it far past picking their lucky number at the roulette table.

If you think little old ladies and their Troll dolls are nuts when playing bingo, then read on about some of the popular superstitions about casino games that have evolved over the years.

These all go past wearing your lucky pair of boxers to the casino, with some tracing their roots back for centuries.

Never Say "Seven": This one trips up a lot of craps newbies but it's considered to be terrible luck for the entire table if anyone playing craps says the word "seven" out loud. You can think and hope for it all you want -- especially on the cmoe out roll when 7 or 11 is an instant winner -- but just don't say it out loud.

Leave Fido at Home: Who knows where this one originated, but some people swear that it's bad luck for a dog to be anywhere nearby when you're gambling. We know a few poker-playing dogs that might disagree with this one, not to mention visually-impaired gamblers that might need their guide dog with them.

Get Your Mojo Working: Some people who put stock in hoodoo (traditiona African-American folk magic that has been around since the 1800s) will bring their mojo bag to the casino. Its a red flannel bag filled with various herbs, minerals, and other lucky objects; the right combination of items is said to bring gamblers good luck. Don't expect to see one, though, as they're supposed to be hidden on your person and never shown.

Color Me Red: Several different cultures consider the color red to be lucky, with some gamblers always being sure to wear red underwear before they head off to the casino.

Hunchback, Bring Me Luck: Seeing a hunchback on the way to the casino or a card game is considered to be good luck.

Give Me Those Dice Back: If you're playing craps and one or both of the dice fly off the table, always get the same dice back to roll again and never select new dice from the stickman or else your luck will turn bad.

Virgins Can Be Good Luck or Bad Luck: Another craps superstition is that a "virgin" woman -- one who has never played craps before -- is good luck for the table, while a "virgin" man who rolls the dice for the first time will only bring bad luck.

Back Door Man: Some gamblers believe that entering a casino through the main entrance is bad luck and will go out of their way to slide in through a side or back door instead.

Gambling Psychology

To people who love gambling, the idea of heading to their favorite virtual or live gaming table makes their mouth water.

The fantasy of huge piles of chips or tons of credits flooding into their accounts sends mood-elevating endorphins shooting throughout their brains.
But how does it all start? What is the psychology of the gambler and of gambling?

The Psychology of the Desire to Gamble
While the actual process of gambling may take some sophistication, the desire to gamble is a simple, primal one.

Everything we learn to do in life, we learn through gambling.

As children, we take a gamble that we can touch a hot stove. When we get burned and lose that gamble, we learn not to do it again.

As teenagers, we may take a gamble on asking out a member of the opposite sex, or joining a sports team or taking a role in the school play.

If any of these things work out to our benefit, we will want to continue to do them again and again.
The Psychology of Conditioning

This is called conditioning, when a reward is paired with a behavior, encouraging a repetition of the behavior, and it happens everywhere in the animal kingdom.

You may remember the famous experiment with Pavlov's dogs, where Pavlov rang a bell every time he provided food, until the dogs were conditioned to drool at the ringing of the bell even if no food was provided.

Gambling works the same way.

We are rewarded financially when we get lucky gambling, so we continue to return to the tables even when we have walked away empty-handed.
The Psychology of Continued Gambling

The psychology behind continuing to gamble even after repeated losses comes from the idea of intermittent conditioning. Continuous rewards followed by a long period of no reward will often result in extinction of the behavior, since the subject learns that the reward will no longer be provided.

However, if the reward is provided intermittently, that is, sometimes the subject gets it and sometimes he doesn't, the behavior will continue for much longer even after an extended period with no reward, because the subject never knows if another reward is forthcoming.

This, in essence, is the psychology of gambling. When you play online slots games, for instance, you never know when that next big win might come and it's therefore sometimes difficult to quit.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Secret Of Wealth is here

The people who earn the most money in this civilization are those who are first in line at the 1% loan window of the federal reserve bank. These people are not wealthier by hard work. They are wealthier by a system of aristocratic privileges.

Among working class people those who work harder, put in longer hours and distinguish themselves can earn a dollar or two an hour more than their fellow laborers, but that dollar or two an hour is never going to get them to the comfort levels of self-sustaining wealth.

Among entrepreneurs those who are smarter, more strategic, more disciplined and more driven end up earning more money, but they will probably never rise to the ability to live off of the interest on their holdings alone. They will always have to be personally involved in the operation of their own capital resources.

The essential barrier between working class people and entrepreneurs is access to credit. A working class person with the best ideas in the universe and the hardest working habits will never rise to entrepreneurship simply because they will never be able to save enough or raise enough capital to try their hand at running a small business.

This system is inherently oligarchic, and until we realize that and bring to the very center of our civilization more democratic mechanisms, we will continue to live in a world of desperation where the masses struggle just to survive while a handful live a life of absurd opulence.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Sunday 20 September 2015

How to be a Pro Internet Gambler

Pick your territory :-

Start with sport, Ansell recommends: "Specialise in a minority sport that you are knowledgeable about. When you spot a weakness in bookmaker pricing you've probably found your area of operation."

Avoid online poker:-

Beginners tend not to fare very well at this game. "You will be easy prey for the professionals, who take all the money from the low-stakes tables en route to high-stakes games," says Ansell.

Think before you act:-

It's easy to get click-happy when gambling online, so plan carefully. "Decide in advance what you are going to bet on," says Ansell. "Don't chase losses or be seduced into further bets for the sake of it."

Be you own bookie:-

Calculating expectation will improve your chances, as Ansell explains: "Expectation equals your percentage in a 100 per cent book multiplied by the decimal price, including the stake."

Play the long game:-

However tempting they look, try to see past the short-term benefits of the offered odds. Bet on your own expectations, says Ansell: "Long-term profits will take care of themselves if you bet in this way."

Avoid tips:-

Betting on a tip is a bad idea, although Ansell concedes that they can confirm your calculations. "If you find an expert odds compiler, you can use their opinion as additional confidence in your own bet."

Manage your bankroll:-

Ansell advises you start with 250 "points", with the goal of winning 10 more per bet. By risking a few points at a time, your money will last longer and you'll learn what works and what doesn't.

Don't panic:-

"When you start to feel under pressure, if your heart is racing or you have the urge to try to get your money back on a losing day -- stop," says Ansell. "Turn the computer off. Tomorrow is another day."